Indeed, Dr. Watson, you make so many excellent points as usual. I’m very sorry you had to deal with those white power idiots. The historical fact is that the confederacy lost the civil war, which killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Brothers had to fight their brothers. Family members had to fight other family members based on geographical divisions which promoted a racist ideology. If supporters of the confederate flag want to believe that it’s still relevant, Then they are living in a fantasy world with a revisionist history that is absurd. The confederate flag is to Black people what the Nazi flag is to Jewish people: repugnant, immoral and filled with hate. If you think of the United States of America would’ve been a better country as the confederate states of America, that is certainly your opinion, but facts in reality supersede hopes and dreams of a white-dominated America.
As the saying goes in some Southern states: “That dog won’t hunt”—at least not anymore!