Laura: You deserve many accolades for opening up to share your profoundly moving story. You offer exemplary advice and serve as a role model for those in similarly situated toxic workplaces. It always baffles me that employers don’t realize how toxic work environments not only hurt targeted employees but also hurt the company. The negative results include less employee engagement, decreased morale and productivity, lower job satisfaction and loyalty, and increased absenteeism and healthcare costs (among other unenviable consequences). Moreover, toxic workplaces often involve hostile environments which may violate state and federal laws — and subject the employer to legal liability and bad PR.
I would urge anyone stuck in a hostile work environment, which they believe is based on discrimination or harassment, to contact the US EEOC about the situation and examine their legal options. It’s important for employees to know their rights, and for companies to be held accountable.
Again, I commend you for sharing your difficult experience. I am so pleased that you ultimately ended up the better for it. Bravo!