Many thanks are in order not only for Dr. Yildiz for his unparalleled leadership, but also to all the volunteer editors who donate their time and expertise to make Illumination pubs the latest “go to” destination on Medium.
I have been on Medium since 2018 as part of the partnership program. In that time I have not witnessed any publication(s) prove to be such an invaluable asset for readers and writers as Illumination pubs—which are like an oasis in the desert for readers and writers with a thirst for top tier digital journalism.
Please join me in offering a resoundingly loud round of applause and appreciation for Dr. Yildiz and every editor. And please join me in a resoundingly loud round of applause to all of the writers and readers who have made Illumination pubs such an overwhelming success story in such a short time.
Onward and upward together!