Rob Jones: I appreciate your taking the time to read and engage with this article. I likewise appreciate your constructive feedback and important insights.
Regarding your constructive comments about solutions to the problem, I refer you to this passage above…
“That’s why education, training, and clear communication from the top of the organization are all critical elements to proactively prevent retaliation. CEOs should exert greater leadership by sending an unequivocal message down the corporate ladder that discrimination is reprehensible and won’t be tolerated.”
I also refer you to my prior article, “Memo to CEOs: Fire Monster Managers” (after the article under, “You might also like”).
I agree with your potent point that EEOC is too often a toothless tiger regarding enforcement and litigation — not to mention outreach, education and training for employers to promote voluntary compliance, which often falls short.
It strikes me that corporate America usually doesn’t have any problem with writing off discrimination compensation as a cost of doing business — per EEOC litigation, mediation and pre-litigation settlements. Moreover, the statutory caps on compensatory and punitive damage awards for victims do not serve as a strong enough deterrent for big business to ensure voluntary compliance. Sometimes I think companies are more concerned with negative media coverage and damage to their brand image than anything else.
Real “zero tolerance policies” by employers would also be more helpful— in which malicious managers are swiftly domoted or fired for proven unlawful discrimination and retaliation. Such stringent internal policies and procedures would lead to a more healthy work culture — one where companies leverage proactive prevention as a first resort, rather than failing to admit wrongdoing and writing off discrimination settlements as standard operating procedure.
Thanks again, Rob, for sharing your highly respected and insightful viewpoints on this issue.