Thank you again, Mr. Islam, for your comments, I appreciate your candor. However, needless name-calling is not necessary or productive to have an open honest debate. Therefore, I’m going to ignore the first thing you said in your comments and focus on the substance.
I’m trying to understand your perspective better. And I appreciate your honesty, assuming that is how you feel in reality because I don’t know you. I only know what you write.
Follow-up questions. please provide answers as you deem appropriate, so I and others can try to better understand why you believe the The Israeli people should voluntarily return all the land to this Palestinians. Please correct me if I have that wrong regarding your position. I’m sure you know that United Nations charters provide the international law basis for creating the state of Israel . Of course, the most observant Israeli Jews, the ultra-Orthodox, believe it’s their religious right and obligation to live in Israel. It appears that you believe the opposite. So I’m assuming you mean the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank—and displaced Palestinians—should control what is now the State of Israel. If that is accurate, what is it based on? Why do you believe that? It would be most helpful to better understand your position if you could please respond to the following questions, as you deem appropriate. Thank you for engaging in a civil and constructive open dialogue.
1) What do you think about the legitimacy—or lack thereof—of the United Nations? Do you accept the UN as an international legal organization? If yes, why? If no, why not?
2) What do you think about the UN General Assembly and Security Council?
3) Do you accept United Nations charters generally?
4) If you do not accept United Nations charters, which created Israel, who or what should determine why Israel should cease to exist?
5) Finally, if you do not accept Israel’s existence as a state, do you accept the existence of the Israeli people generally to live somewhere? And where should they all go?