What a moving and inspiring article, Nabila. Your sincere kindness and goodwill is what we need more of in today’s world to build bridges bringing us closer together, not walls keep us further apart. Thank you very much for this excellent article. I agree with what you said about 50 claps. People need to ask themselves: Is 50 claps worth putting a smile on someone’s face? Is 50 claps worth making someone’s day? Is 50 claps worth bringing more happiness to the world, which desperately needs it? I think we all know the answer to these questions is an unequivocally Yes!
That’s not to say we should applaud articles that fall below the 50 claps maximum (in the individual reader’s opinion). But some claps are better than no claps, and if the article resonates with you then why not hold your finger on the applause button for a few seconds longer?